Book background design by Jim Kezar.

The Bert Kezar Family

Bertram Edward Kezar
1900 - 1981


Kezar Brothers - 1910
Bert, Glen, Howard
James Kezar

Bert Kezar         Kezar Brothers - 1918
             Bert Kezar - 1918                 Glen, Bert and Frank - 1918   

Bert Kezar - 1920          Bert Kezar and Robert - 1932
Bert Kezar - 1920                    Bert and Robert - 1932

Bert Kezar - 1940         Bert and Priscilla Kezar - 1940
        Bert Kezar - 1940                 Priscilla and Bert - 1940

Bert Kezar - 1940         Bert Kezar - 1959
Bert Kezar - 1940                        Bert Kezar - 1959   

James and Bert Kezar - 1965
James and Bert Kezar - 1965

Robert, Karan and Bert Kezar - 1977       Bert and Priscilla Kezar - 1978
Robert, Karan and Bert - 1978                  Bert and Priscilla - 1978          

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Book background design by Jim Kezar.